Sara paxton filmography

Sara Paxton. Sara Paxton Born: 25-Apr-1988 Father: Steve Paxton ( businessman) Mother: (dentist) Sarah Borden (2004). FILMOGRAPHY AS ACTOR

Sara Paxton Filmography Movies (Videos, Films & Projects): Year: Budget: Actress: The Innkeepers Claire : 2011 : The Last House on the Left Mari Collingwood: 2009 : SARA PAXTON Main Links: Sara Paxton « Pictures (723) Video Clips Wallpapers (3) Biography. Filmography. Quotes Message Board Latest Media News. Today Birthdays (25. Filmography: Sara Paxton. 2016. Sundown (Guatdefoc) (R)Release Date: May 13, 2016. Cast: Camilla Belle, Karla Souza, Teri Hatcher, Sara Paxton, Devon