Marina abramovic the artist is present film streaming ita

Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present is a rather detailed documentary about the exhibition of the same name at MoMA in 2010. It won't change your opinion about it, though. Whether you agree that Marina is the "grandmother of performance art" or you feel that contemporary art is nothing but hot air, those points of view are left unchallenged.

Trailer ufficiale italiano Marina Abramovic. The Artist Is Present (2011) | Guarda il Trailer ufficiale italiano della serie tv con MARINA ABRAMOVI Ć AND BRAZIL. di Marco Un film autenticamente “in between”, sospeso tra arte e vita, tra road movie e spiritual thriller, capace di parlare al cuore dello spettatore e al suo inestinguibile bisogno, dove esegue anche la performance The artist is present documentata dall’omonimo documentario.