Drive bryan cranston death scene

Insomma, Bryan Cranston ci ha offerto un ventaglio di personalità molto diverse tra loro, quasi incompatibili. Pensate un po’ all’ipotetico crossover tra Malcolm e Breaking Bad, visualizzate nella vostra testa una possibile scena in cui Hal debba aiutare Walt a cucinare, probabilmente ne verrebbe fuori un’esplosione nucleare!

10/12/2019 · Bryan Cranston has led the tributes to his Breaking Bad co-star Robert Forster, after the actor passed away aged 78.. Forster’s latest work, … Sep 30, 2013 Bryan Cranston, left, and Aaron Paul in a scene from Breaking Bad. Walt watches Jesse drive away a free man, and draws his last breaths in the Walt's death was one of the probable endings that audiences predicted